The Story of the Leprechaun by Katherine Tegen
The Gingerbread Man and the Leprechaun Loose at School by Laura Murray

For this craft aka art activity, I found a leprechaun template online, pasted him to green cardstock and will be adding small strips to the bottom with crepe paper in various colors: red, blue, green, yellow to create a windsock effect with tape attached to the back of the leprechaun.
* You can find the template here:
I also found a template on Pinterest, "What's Your Leprechaun Name?"
You can ask kids to take a look at the first letter of their name and birth month, according to the chart to create their leprechaun name. My name happens to be Ruxbin O'Wee!
Enjoy and comment below if you have questions
#stpattysday #leprechauncrafts #LauraMurray #KatherineTeganbooks #StPatricksdaycrafts
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