Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Oh Yeah Audrey! by Tucker Shaw

Being a strong Audrey Hepburn fan, I caught myself sidetracked by this light fluffy book. I enjoyed the premise of Gemma and her trip to the glamorous side of New York. I also enjoyed the Audrey fandom and her idea of having a Hepburn themed tour of New York. So... what didn't I enjoy? I found the ending to be a bit rushed and Dusty's character to be a bit flat. All along you know that he is too good to be true, but finding out about him seemed a bit rushed. Also, I wanted Gemma to have the conversation with her dad or at least a text!

I'm wondering ... Do I feel this way because I have watched Breakfast at Tiffany's a million times? Because I'm a 40 year old woman? or because I've been reading non-fiction lately? Perhaps this book may be better off in the hands of a teen. What do you think ?  Be ready readers for a strong beginning and an ending that falls a little short. Three stars...

Favorite books from the past