Sunday, February 23, 2020

Author Jenn Bennett review

I absolutely love Jenn Bennett as a teen author. I find that her books start off with a soft pace yet by the middle of the book you can't put it down. She builds up to something great and lyrical.

(photo from
I just finished Serious Moonlight, which stars a girl with a sleeping disorder in the dreamy town of Seattle. Throw in a whirlwind romance that gets Birdy out of her shell and a sub-plotted mystery and you've got a great book!

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Teen Reads for February... Romance is in the air

Don't Date Rosa Santos
If I'm Being HonestI'm truly a sucker for great teen romances. Check out these fun titles hot off the press! 
Well, at least hot and new to me!
I love the feel of these bright and honest female characters who hold their own against society. The stories are not deep, but deeply involving. Serious Moonlight is my currently reading pick for the month and it tells of a beautiful gal named Birdie who enjoys a good mystery in  her moody city of Seattle. 
#EmilyWibberly #NinaMoreno
Serious Moonlight

Favorite books from the past