Friday, June 19, 2020

Old Favorites for Teens - Blue is for Nightmares by Stolarz

I have been working on adding favorite titles to my home book shelf and came across "Blue is for Nightmares" by Laurie faria Stolarz at Book Off. As stores slowly start to open up during this COVID-19 pandemic, I was excited to finally walk into a bookstore! I finished off the first title in the series. Remember, some libraries in California are starting to do curbside pickup with a valid library card.
Title: Blue is for Nightmares
Author: Laurie faria Stolarz 
Summary: Hillcrest Boarding School is home to Stacey Brown, a teenager who utilizes her Wiccan powers and premonitions to ward off a killer. When her roommate starts to receive creepy phone calls, Stacey must use her powers and images from her nightmares to find the killer and keep her friend safe. Will she make it on time or will she lose friends over keeping this and other things a secret?

More in this series:
White is For Magic
Silver is For Secrets
Red is For Remembrance

Favorite books from the past