Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Summer Reads 2024

 Summer is upon us and I am way behind on my reading... what about you? 

Try some of these titles:

Float by Marchant

Waverly Lyons has been caught in the middle of her parents’ divorce for as long as she can remember. This summer, the battle rages over who she’ll spend her vacation with, and when Waverly’s options are shot down, it’s bye-bye Fairbanks, Alaska and hello Holden, Florida to stay with her aunt.

Coming from the tundra of the north, the beach culture isn’t exactly Waverly’s forte. The sun may just be her mortal enemy, and her vibe is decidedly not chill. To top it off? Her ability to swim? Nonexistent. She then meets Blake and they start a whirlwind romance, but as we know every summer romance must come to an end... or does it always have to happen that way? 

Some Mistakes Were Made by Dwyer

Ellis and Easton have been tied to the hip since childhood. But when a rash decision throws Ellis’s life—and her relationship with Easton— into chaos she’s forced to move halfway across the country, far from everything she’s ever known.

A year goes by and the two of them have not spoken, and maybe it’s better that way; maybe eventually the Easton shaped hole in her heart will heal. But when Easton’s mother invites her back for a celebration, Ellis finds herself right smack in the middle of heartache, betrayal, and anger she left behind... and with the boy she never stopped loving.I couldn't put this book down! 


Saturday, November 18, 2023

November Reads 2023

 We are in the thick of fall. Can you believe it? As I sit here in my thick plaid sweater, braving the cold of the air conditioner at work... I wonder where the time went.

I have finished a couple of great books, so let me catch you up to speed:

During October, I picked up a middle school spooky read about an orphan who is adopted by a family haunted by their own secrets. This was creepy, with just the right amount of terror to keep you reading but not too much for those that spook easily. The Haunting by Duga is a quick horror fix for upper elementary and middle school readers. 

In early fall, I had to order the best-selling book " The Woman in Me," to read all about my favorite pop icon, Ms. Britney Spears. This one is juicy my friends! From Justin Timberlake, to the conservatorship, to all things Britney.... fans will enjoy this memoir of what makes her tick and what has brought her down. 

Drop a line and tell me what you are reading this fall. I am looking into cozy Christmas reads as we head into late November/December. 

Happy Reading! 

Tuesday, September 12, 2023

2023 Fall Reads

 Hello Everyone!

The Wacky Librarian is back with another great recommended read to get your ready for fall. I just finished a fantastic novel that has been on my "to read," list for many moons. If you have not read titles by this fun YA novelist, Julie Buxbaum, you have been missing out. 

Readers follow Jess; a self-conscious teen who is still healing from the lost of her mother. Throw in the fact that her father has decided to remarry and move then across the country to sunny California with the rich and elite. As Jess tries to fit in with her prep school classmates, she receives a mysterious text from a stranger who appears to be helping her navigate the high school  waters. Can Jess trust this mysterious friend or is it just another ploy to make her life miserable? 

Other books by Buxbaum that you might enjoy:


Thursday, July 13, 2023

Love Decoded by Jennifer Yen

 Ambitious high school student Gigi Wong has created the perfect matchmaking app, inspired by the traditional match making skills taught by her Great Aunt. As she enters the app in a school contest, her life turns upside down. She has always been the perfect student, daughter and classmate, but when it comes to love and life she has a few lessons to learn especially when it comes to her new friend and transfer student Etta. As Gigi tries to help Etta become popular and accepted, she learns a few things about maintaining friendships and competiton. 

Teens will love Jennifer Yen's simple writing style. Her book "A Taste for Love," is a gem as well! These smart, kind, and beautiful characters host light fun-hearted reads perfect for the summer. I also love when Asian characters are depicted on the covers as this needs to be done more often. 

Tuesday, July 11, 2023

Summer 2023

 Wow! It has been over five months without posts. Never fear though, the Wacky Librarian is back with fun summer reads and recommended titles.

I just finished this historical fiction gem this month taking you back to Martha's Vineyard in the late 60s. It is full of social class clashes, drama and romance. 

Foster is a talented writer as she introduces us to a young nanny trying to fit into this elite world and get through the summer. Her ultimate goal? Find a husband a keep her college secret safe. Readers will love the style and flow of this perfect "escape" read as we are whisked into the world of catty housewives and overworked nannies seeking romance. This title was giving me all the MadMen vibes.

Wednesday, December 28, 2022

The Twelve Days of Dash and Lily by Cohn & Levithan

In the 2nd installment from the Dash & Lily series, we find young Lily in a holiday funk. As her ailing grandpa recovers slowly, she spirals into a depression full of doom and gloom... putting her holiday plans to a halt. Her devoted boyfriend Dash feels disconnected from the relationship and tries to put the holiday spirit back into Lily so that they can move forward with their love. Fate, drunk Santas, and Lily's new pattern of "disappearing" deem his tasks difficult though, and the two end up in a dance of breaks and makeups.

A must-read for holiday fanatics and admirers of the Netflix series based on the adorable book series by the dynamic duo Cohn and Levithan. 

Friday, November 4, 2022

What have I been reading?

 Is it really November? And the weather has actually changed? Well, pinch me I must be dreaming! 

 Here are a few reads I am currently enjoying: 


Favorite books from the past